Ordinary People Make Extraordinary Change

Do you want the government in the examining room with you and your doctor? Or your daughter or your sister or your spouse? Your personal freedoms are under attack.

We are in the midst of a severe backlash in the United States. It’s been a trying time for people who practice and defend the patriotism of American progress and democracy. Our rights and freedoms are under attack by conservative extremists whose goal is to take our country backward.

Do not despair! We are on the right side of history. We are the true patriots. Advancement in America has always been achieved by people who know that meaningful change comes with struggle and set backs. Backlash has darkened America’s door in the past and forward thinking patriots have defeated it. Please support our Democratic Candidates who are committed to defending American Democracy.

We must not be complacent. We must not go back.

We must reclaim American patriotism and turn despair into defiance, action and hope.

Action Fosters Hope | Hope Fosters Action

Five Things You Can Do To Take Action Today




